Symphytum caucasicum
Symphytum azureum H.C.Ha,,
Symphytum caucasicum D.Don
Symphytum donii DC.
Symphytum racemosum Stephan ex Roem. & Schult.
Common Name: Caucasian Comfrey
General Information
Symphytum caucasicum is a herbaceous perennial plant with long, thick roots and a reduced rhizome that produces a ticht clump of growth; it can grow 40 - 60cm tall
The plant is harvested from the wild and widely used both as a traditional medicine and also to make modern pharmaceuticals. It is particularly effective in treating cuts and injuries plus gastrointestinal problems. The plant is also used locally as a food and source of materials. It is sometimes cultivated on a small scale as a source of biomass and for its medicinal uses.
Known Hazards
No reports of toxicity have been seen for this species, but the following reports have been seen for Symphytum officinale.
This plant contains small quantities of a toxic alkaloid which can have a cumulative effect upon the liver. Largest concentrations are found in the roots, leaves contain higher quantities of the alkaloid as they grow older and young leaves contain almost none. Most people would have to consume very large quantities of the plant in order to do any harm, though anyone with liver problems should obviously be more cautious. In general, the health-promoting properties of the plant probably far outweigh any possible disbenefits, especially if only the younger leaves are used.
Botanical References
74- Title
- Flora of the USSR.
- Publication
- Author
- Komarov. V. L.
- Website
- Publisher
- Israel Program for Scientific Translation
- Year
- 1968
- -
- Description
- An immense (25 or more large volumes) and not yet completed translation of the Russian flora. Full of information on plant uses and habitats but heavy going for casual readers. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
Eastern Euroe - eastern European Russia to the Caucasus
Humid habitats, shrubberies, glades, damp forest fringes, near ravines and at watersides; at elevations from 400 - 2,000 metres[
2245- Title
- Ethnobotany of the Caucasus
- Publication
- Author
- Bussmann R.W. (Editor)
- Publisher
- Springer Nature; Switzerland
- Year
- 2017
- 978-3-319-49411-1
- Description
Edibility Rating |   |
Medicinal Rating |     |
Other Uses Rating |    |
Habit | Perennial |
Height | 0.50 m |
Pollinators | Insects |
Cultivation Status | Cultivated, Wild |
Cultivation Details
Symphytum caucasicum is a fairly cold-hardy plant, tolerating temperatures down to about -20°c[
187- Title
- Perennials. Volumes 1 and 2.
- Publication
- Author
- Phillips. R. & Rix. M.
- Publisher
- Pan Books
- Year
- 1991
- 0-330-30936-9
- Description
- Photographs of over 3,000 species and cultivars of ornamental plants together with brief cultivation notes, details of habitat etc.
Tolerates most soils and situations but prefers a moist soil and some shade[
1- Title
- RHS Dictionary of Plants plus Supplement. 1956
- Publication
- Author
- F. Chittendon.
- Publisher
- Oxford University Press
- Year
- 1951
- -
- Description
- Comprehensive listing of species and how to grow them. Somewhat outdated, it has been replaced in 1992 by a new dictionary (see [200]).
4- Title
- A Modern Herbal.
- Publication
- Author
- Grieve.
- Publisher
- Penguin
- Year
- 1984
- 0-14-046-440-9
- Description
- Not so modern (1930's?) but lots of information, mainly temperate plants.
]. Grows well in heavy clay soils. Best grown in an open sunny site in a deep rich soil if it is being grown for compost material[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
Edible Uses
Young leaves are used in salads and soups, adult leaves as spinach[
2245- Title
- Ethnobotany of the Caucasus
- Publication
- Author
- Bussmann R.W. (Editor)
- Publisher
- Springer Nature; Switzerland
- Year
- 2017
- 978-3-319-49411-1
- Description
The roots are antiinflammatory, antiseptic and haemostatic[
2245- Title
- Ethnobotany of the Caucasus
- Publication
- Author
- Bussmann R.W. (Editor)
- Publisher
- Springer Nature; Switzerland
- Year
- 2017
- 978-3-319-49411-1
- Description
]. Both infusions and decoctions are used to stop haemorrhage[
2245- Title
- Ethnobotany of the Caucasus
- Publication
- Author
- Bussmann R.W. (Editor)
- Publisher
- Springer Nature; Switzerland
- Year
- 2017
- 978-3-319-49411-1
- Description
]. An infusion is used in the treatment of diarrhoea and other gastroenteric diseases[
2245- Title
- Ethnobotany of the Caucasus
- Publication
- Author
- Bussmann R.W. (Editor)
- Publisher
- Springer Nature; Switzerland
- Year
- 2017
- 978-3-319-49411-1
- Description
Used externally, either as an infusion of the root or as an ointment made from the roots, the plant is used for many purposes including:- in baths; as a compress for fractures, dislocations etc; to treat injuries and aching joints; to ease various skin diseases, and to remove old and badly healing wounds and ulcers[
2245- Title
- Ethnobotany of the Caucasus
- Publication
- Author
- Bussmann R.W. (Editor)
- Publisher
- Springer Nature; Switzerland
- Year
- 2017
- 978-3-319-49411-1
- Description
]. The roots are a good remedy for sciatic nerve inflammation and for fractures[
2245- Title
- Ethnobotany of the Caucasus
- Publication
- Author
- Bussmann R.W. (Editor)
- Publisher
- Springer Nature; Switzerland
- Year
- 2017
- 978-3-319-49411-1
- Description
Both the leaves and the roots are used to make salves and to cure fractures, whilst the leaves are also applied to furuncles[
2245- Title
- Ethnobotany of the Caucasus
- Publication
- Author
- Bussmann R.W. (Editor)
- Publisher
- Springer Nature; Switzerland
- Year
- 2017
- 978-3-319-49411-1
- Description
The roots contain tannins, essential oils, choline, allantoin, and asparagine acid[
2245- Title
- Ethnobotany of the Caucasus
- Publication
- Author
- Bussmann R.W. (Editor)
- Publisher
- Springer Nature; Switzerland
- Year
- 2017
- 978-3-319-49411-1
- Description
The roots are used as raw material for making both modern pharmaceuticals and for traditional medicine[
2245- Title
- Ethnobotany of the Caucasus
- Publication
- Author
- Bussmann R.W. (Editor)
- Publisher
- Springer Nature; Switzerland
- Year
- 2017
- 978-3-319-49411-1
- Description
Agroforestry Uses:
An extract of the plant can stimulate plant growth[
2245- Title
- Ethnobotany of the Caucasus
- Publication
- Author
- Bussmann R.W. (Editor)
- Publisher
- Springer Nature; Switzerland
- Year
- 2017
- 978-3-319-49411-1
- Description
Other Uses
A dye solution is prepared from root to obtain red and violet colour and used for dyeing wool yarn as well as products made of wool[
2245- Title
- Ethnobotany of the Caucasus
- Publication
- Author
- Bussmann R.W. (Editor)
- Publisher
- Springer Nature; Switzerland
- Year
- 2017
- 978-3-319-49411-1
- Description
Seed -
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