Sapindus marginatus
The Temperate Database is in the process of being updated, with new records being added and old ones being checked and brought up to date where necessary. This record has not yet been checked and updated.
Common Name: Soapberry
General Information
Sapindus marginatus is a deciduous tree that can grow up to 15.00 metres tall.
It is harvested from the wild for local use as a food and source of materials.
Known Hazards
The seed is poisonous[
1- Title
- RHS Dictionary of Plants plus Supplement. 1956
- Publication
- Author
- F. Chittendon.
- Publisher
- Oxford University Press
- Year
- 1951
- -
- Description
- Comprehensive listing of species and how to grow them. Somewhat outdated, it has been replaced in 1992 by a new dictionary (see [200]).
]. The fruit is poisonous[
149- Title
- Trees of Central Texas.
- Publication
- Author
- Vines. R. A.
- Publisher
- University of Texas Press
- Year
- 1987
- 0-292-78958-3
- Description
- A good concise guide, it gives details of habitats and some of the uses of trees growing in Texas.
Botanical References
72- Title
- Manual of the Southeastern Flora.
- Publication
- Author
- Small J.K.
- Website
- Publisher
- University of N. Carolina Press.
- Year
- 1933
- Description
- Getting rather dated now, an immense work covering the flora of Southeastern N. America. No pictures, it is not for the casual reader. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
South-western N. America - Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.
Hammocks near the coast[
72- Title
- Manual of the Southeastern Flora.
- Publication
- Author
- Small J.K.
- Website
- Publisher
- University of N. Carolina Press.
- Year
- 1933
- Description
- Getting rather dated now, an immense work covering the flora of Southeastern N. America. No pictures, it is not for the casual reader. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
Edibility Rating |  |
Habit | Deciduous Tree |
Height | 15.00 m |
Growth Rate | Slow |
Cultivation Status | Wild |
Cultivation Details
We have very little information on this species and do not know if it will be hardy outdoors in Britain, though judging by its native range it could succeed outdoors at least in the mildest areas of the country. The following notes are based on the general needs of the genus.
Succeeds in any well-drained soil in full sun[
220- Title
- Bamboos of Nepal
- Publication
- Author
- Stapleton. C.
- Publisher
- The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
- Year
- 1994
- 0947643680
- Description
- An excelllent little booklet that looks in some detail at the native bamboos of Nepal, including looking at their uses.
]. This species tolerates a wide range of soils, including those that are dry, stony and nutrient deficient[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
Trees are relatively slow-growing in the wild[
229- Title
- The Complete Trees of N. America. Field Guide and Natural History.
- Publication
- Author
- Elias. T.
- Publisher
- Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
- Year
- 1980
- 0442238622
- Description
- A very good concise guide. Gives habitats, good descriptions, maps showing distribution and a few of the uses. It also includes the many shrubs that occasionally reach tree proportions.
Edible Uses
105- Title
- Tanaka's Cyclopedia of Edible Plants of the World.
- Publication
- Author
- Tanaka. T. & Nakao S.
- Publisher
- Keigaku Publishing; Tokyo
- Year
- 1976
- -
- Description
- The most comprehensive list of edible plants I've come across. Only the briefest entry for each species, though, and some of the entries are more than a little dubious. Not for the casual reader.
177- Title
- Plants for Human Consumption.
- Publication
- Author
- Kunkel. G.
- Publisher
- Koeltz Scientific Books
- Year
- 1984
- 3874292169
- Description
- An excellent book for the dedicated. A comprehensive listing of Latin names with a brief list of edible parts.
]. The fruit is eaten by native North American Indians, though most white people find it repulsive[
105- Title
- Tanaka's Cyclopedia of Edible Plants of the World.
- Publication
- Author
- Tanaka. T. & Nakao S.
- Publisher
- Keigaku Publishing; Tokyo
- Year
- 1976
- -
- Description
- The most comprehensive list of edible plants I've come across. Only the briefest entry for each species, though, and some of the entries are more than a little dubious. Not for the casual reader.
None known
Other Uses
A soap is obtained from the fruit by rubbing the fruit in water[
46- Title
- Dictionary of Economic Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Uphof. J. C. Th.
- Publisher
- Weinheim
- Year
- 1959
- -
- Description
- An excellent and very comprehensive guide but it only gives very short descriptions of the uses without any details of how to utilize the plants. Not for the casual reader.
]. Used in Mexico for washing clothes[
227- Title
- Trees of North Texas
- Publication
- Author
- Vines. R.A.
- Publisher
- University of Texas Press.
- Year
- 1982
- 0292780206
- Description
- A readable guide to the area, it contains descriptions of the plants and their habitats with quite a bit of information on plant uses.
]. The fruit can be dried and stored for later use[
169- Title
- A Weavers Garden
- Publication
- Author
- Buchanan. R.
- Publisher
- McGraw-Hill Contemporary
- Year
- 1987
- 0934026289
- Description
- Covers all aspects of growing your own clothes, from fibre plants to dyes.
Wood - heavy, strong, close-grained, splits easily[
46- Title
- Dictionary of Economic Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Uphof. J. C. Th.
- Publisher
- Weinheim
- Year
- 1959
- -
- Description
- An excellent and very comprehensive guide but it only gives very short descriptions of the uses without any details of how to utilize the plants. Not for the casual reader.
72- Title
- Manual of the Southeastern Flora.
- Publication
- Author
- Small J.K.
- Website
- Publisher
- University of N. Carolina Press.
- Year
- 1933
- Description
- Getting rather dated now, an immense work covering the flora of Southeastern N. America. No pictures, it is not for the casual reader. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
]. It splits easily into thin strips and is often used in basket making[
46- Title
- Dictionary of Economic Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Uphof. J. C. Th.
- Publisher
- Weinheim
- Year
- 1959
- -
- Description
- An excellent and very comprehensive guide but it only gives very short descriptions of the uses without any details of how to utilize the plants. Not for the casual reader.
Seed - requires some cold stratification. Pre-soak the seed for 24 hours in warm water and sow in a cold frame in mid-winter. Move to a greenhouse in early spring. The seed should germinate in late spring. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots when they are large enough to handle and grow them on in the greenhouse for at least their first winter. Plant out in early summer.
Cuttings of almost ripe wood, 5 - 8cm with a heel, mid summer in a frame. Fairly good percentage[
78- Title
- Propagation of Trees, Shrubs and Conifers.
- Publication
- Author
- Sheat. W. G.
- Publisher
- MacMillan and Co
- Year
- 1948
- -
- Description
- A bit dated but a good book on propagation techniques with specific details for a wide range of plants.
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