Salvia verbenaca
Gallitrichum anglicum Jord. & Fourr.
Gallitrichum arvale Jord. & Fourr.
Gallitrichum candollei Timb.-Lagr.
Gallitrichum clandestinum (L.) Fourr.
Gallitrichum dichroanthum Jord. & Fourr.
Gallitrichum horminioides (Pourr.) Timb.-Lagr.
Gallitrichum maculatum Jord. & Fourr.
Gallitrichum pallidiflorum (St.-Amans) Jord. & Fourr.
Gallitrichum ptychophyllum Jord. & Fourr.
Gallitrichum rosulatum Jord. & Fourr.
Gallitrichum rubellum Jord. & Fourr.
Gallitrichum stereocaulon Jord. & Fourr.
Gallitrichum verbenacum (L.) Fourr.
Gallitrichum virgatum Jord. & Fourr.
Horminum parviflorum Moench
Horminum sylvestre Gray
Horminum verbenacum (L.) Mill.
Larnastyra claytonii (Nutt.) Raf.
Larnastyra verbenaca (L.) Raf.
Salvia acutata Brot.
Salvia agrestis Vill.
Salvia ambigua Rochebr. & Sav.
Salvia anglica (Jord. & Fourr.) Verl., Arv.-Touv. & Faure
Salvia anselmii Sennen
Salvia barcinonensis Sennen
Salvia basilii Sennen
Salvia betonicifolia Lam.
Salvia byzantina Juss. ex Steud.
Salvia candollei (Timb.-Lagr.) Timb.-Lagr.
Salvia clandestina L.
Salvia clandestinoides Link
Salvia claytonii Elliott
Salvia cleistogama de Bary & Paul
Salvia collina Lowe
Salvia controversa Ten.
Salvia discolor Sennen
Salvia disermas Sm.
Salvia domenechii Sennen
Salvia dubia Lowe
Salvia electa Sennen
Salvia erosa Desf.
Salvia fontii Sennen
Salvia gracilis Sennen
Salvia hiemalis Brot.
Salvia horminioides Pourr.
Salvia illyrica Schult.
Salvia intricata Sennen
Salvia laciniata Willd.
Salvia linnaei Rouy
Salvia lowei Steud.
Salvia mediterranea Sennen
Salvia multifida Sm.
Salvia neglecta Ten.
Salvia oblongata De Not. ex Briq.
Salvia oblongata Vahl
Salvia obtusata Brot.
Salvia ochroleuca Coss. & Balansa
Salvia pallidiflora St.-Amans
Salvia parviflora Brot.
Salvia polymorpha Hoffmanns. & Link
Salvia praecox Savi
Salvia pyrenaica L.
Salvia rhodantha Zefir.
Salvia sabulicola Pomel
Salvia sennenii Font Quer ex Sennen
Salvia sibthorpii Bory & Chaub.
Salvia spielmanniana M.Bieb.
Salvia spielmannii Willd.
Salvia subscaposa Sennen
Salvia theodori Sennen
Salvia variabilis Loisel. ex Benth.
Salvia verbenacoides Brot.
Salvia verbenifolia Salisb.
Salvia vivianii Sieber ex Rchb.
Salvia weihaiensis C.Y.Wu & H.W.Li
Sclarea decidua Moench
Sclarea rhodantha (Zefir.) Soják
Sclarea verbenaca (L.) Soják
Sclarea viscosissima Moench
Common Name: Wild Clary
General Information
Salvia verbenaca is a herbaceous perennial plant producing a cluster of erect to ascending, branched or unbranched stems that can grow 15 - 70cm tall[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a food and medicine. It was probably used as a medicinal plant more than 2,000 years ago by the Romans; it was also cultivated as medicinal plant in the late Middle Ages in English gardens, though it is probably only grown as an ornamental at the present time[
Known Hazards
None known
Botanical References
17- Title
- Flora of the British Isles.
- Publication
- Author
- Clapham, Tutin and Warburg.
- Publisher
- Cambridge University Press
- Year
- 1962
- -
- Description
- A very comprehensive flora, the standard reference book but it has no pictures.
74- Title
- Flora of the USSR.
- Publication
- Author
- Komarov. V. L.
- Website
- Publisher
- Israel Program for Scientific Translation
- Year
- 1968
- -
- Description
- An immense (25 or more large volumes) and not yet completed translation of the Russian flora. Full of information on plant uses and habitats but heavy going for casual readers. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
All around the Mediterranean region, north through southwest Europe to Britain and Netherlands
In Britain it is found wild in only one place on sand dunes at Vazon Bay in Guernsey[
17- Title
- Flora of the British Isles.
- Publication
- Author
- Clapham, Tutin and Warburg.
- Publisher
- Cambridge University Press
- Year
- 1962
- -
- Description
- A very comprehensive flora, the standard reference book but it has no pictures.
]. In Europe it is found in dry grassland, avoiding acid soils and shade. Meadows, dry slopes, on limestone; also as weed in vineyards[
74- Title
- Flora of the USSR.
- Publication
- Author
- Komarov. V. L.
- Website
- Publisher
- Israel Program for Scientific Translation
- Year
- 1968
- -
- Description
- An immense (25 or more large volumes) and not yet completed translation of the Russian flora. Full of information on plant uses and habitats but heavy going for casual readers. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
Edibility Rating |   |
Medicinal Rating |   |
Habit | Perennial |
Height | 0.60 m |
Pollinators | Bees, Self, Cleistogamous |
Self-fertile | Yes |
Cultivation Status | Wild |
Cultivation Details
Salvia verbenaca is a moderately cold-hardy plant, being able to tolerate temperatures down to around -20°c when fully dormant[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
Requires a very well-drained light sandy soil in a sunny position[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
]. Prefers a rich soil[
1- Title
- RHS Dictionary of Plants plus Supplement. 1956
- Publication
- Author
- F. Chittendon.
- Publisher
- Oxford University Press
- Year
- 1951
- -
- Description
- Comprehensive listing of species and how to grow them. Somewhat outdated, it has been replaced in 1992 by a new dictionary (see [200]).
]. Plants can be killed by excessive winter wet[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
This species is well suited to the wild garden, growing well in the summer meadow[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
Members of this genus are rarely if ever troubled by browsing deer[
233- Title
- Perennial Garden Plants
- Publication
- Author
- Thomas. G. S.
- Publisher
- J. M. Dent & Sons, London.
- Year
- 1990
- 0 460 86048 8
- Description
- A concise guide to a wide range of perennials. Lots of cultivation guides, very little on plant uses.
Edible Uses
Leaves - raw or cooked. They are most often used as a flavouring in cooked foods. They are aromatic. The young leaves can be eaten fried or candied[
183- Title
- Cornucopia - A Source Book of Edible Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Facciola. S.
- Publisher
- Kampong Publications
- Year
- 1990
- 0-9628087-0-9
- Description
- Excellent. Contains a very wide range of conventional and unconventional food plants (including tropical) and where they can be obtained (mainly N. American nurseries but also research institutes and a lot of other nurseries from around the world.
A herb tea is made from the leaves, it is said to improve the digestion.
Flowers - raw. A flavouring in salads[
177- Title
- Plants for Human Consumption.
- Publication
- Author
- Kunkel. G.
- Publisher
- Koeltz Scientific Books
- Year
- 1984
- 3874292169
- Description
- An excellent book for the dedicated. A comprehensive listing of Latin names with a brief list of edible parts.
183- Title
- Cornucopia - A Source Book of Edible Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Facciola. S.
- Publisher
- Kampong Publications
- Year
- 1990
- 0-9628087-0-9
- Description
- Excellent. Contains a very wide range of conventional and unconventional food plants (including tropical) and where they can be obtained (mainly N. American nurseries but also research institutes and a lot of other nurseries from around the world.
Several Salvia species in the Americas (see Salvia hispanica for example), especially those in Mexico, are valued for their seeds. These become mucilaginous when soaked in water and are widely used to make refreshing drinks. In addition, the seeds of some of these species are often also used as a food, being ground into a powder and used in making biscuits, soups etc, or sprouted and used in salads.
Various other species of Salvia, such as this one, also have seeds that become strongly mucilaginous upon wetting. It has been suggested that many of these could also be used in the same ways as the species from the Americas[
1503- Title
- Indian Medicinal Planta
- Publication
- Author
- Kirkitar K.R.; Basu B.D. & Indian Civil Service
- Publisher
- Sudhindra Nath Basu, BahadurGanj; India
- Year
- 1918
- Description
The seed forms a thick mucilage when it is soaked for a few minutes in water. This is efficacious in removing small particles of dust from the eyes[
4- Title
- A Modern Herbal.
- Publication
- Author
- Grieve.
- Publisher
- Penguin
- Year
- 1984
- 0-14-046-440-9
- Description
- Not so modern (1930's?) but lots of information, mainly temperate plants.
Agroforestry Uses:
The flowers are a good source of food for bees[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
Other Uses
The plant yields a small amount of an agreeably scented essential oil[
74- Title
- Flora of the USSR.
- Publication
- Author
- Komarov. V. L.
- Website
- Publisher
- Israel Program for Scientific Translation
- Year
- 1968
- -
- Description
- An immense (25 or more large volumes) and not yet completed translation of the Russian flora. Full of information on plant uses and habitats but heavy going for casual readers. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
Seed - sow early to mid spring in a greenhouse. Germination usually takes place within 2 weeks. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots when they are large enough to handle and plant them out in early summer. In areas where the plant is towards the limits of its hardiness, it is best to grow the plants on in a greenhouse for their first winter and plant them out in late spring of the following year.
Division in spring.
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