Rubus corchorifolius
The genus Rubus, (especially the blackberries, which are often loosely referred to as Rubus fruticosus agg.) presents some of the most difficult taxonomic problems. This is partly due to the frequency of polyploidy; also to the frequent occurrence of hybridization; and also due to apomixis, where minor differences between plants are preserved because seedlings are genetically identical to their parent. As a result, differences of opinion on the number of species to be recognized from a given region can vary tremendously (for example, a treatment by M. L. Fernald[
43- Title
- Gray's Manual of Botany.Eighth Edition
- Publication
- Author
- Fernald. M. L.
- Publisher
- American Book Co.; New York
- Year
- 1950
- 0442222505
- Description
- A bit dated but a good and concise flora of the eastern part of N. America.
] in 1950 recognized 205 species for the northern half of the eastern United States plus parts of southeastern Canada, whilst H. A. Gleason and A. Cronquist in 1991 recognized only 25)[
270- Title
- Flora of N. America
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An on-line version of the flora with an excellent description of the plant including a brief mention of plant uses.
]. Where possible, a relatively conservative approach is taken here[
K- Title
- Plants for a Future
- Author
- Ken Fern
- Description
- Notes from observations, tasting etc at Plants For A Future and on field trips.
Rubus althaeoides Hance
Rubus arisanensis Hayata
Rubus involucratus Focke
Rubus kerriifolius H.Lév. & Vaniot
Rubus oliveri Miq.
Rubus otophorus Franch.
Rubus shinkoensis Hayata
Rubus suishaensis Hayata
Rubus suishanensis Hayata
Rubus vaniotii H.Lév.
Rubus villosus Thunb.
Common Name:
General Information
Rubus corchorifolius is a deciduous shrub producing each year a cluster of erect, prickly, biennial stems from a woody rootstock; the stems can grow 100 - 300cm tall[
266- Title
- Flora of China
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Missouri Botanical Garden Press; St. Louis.
- Year
- 1994
- Description
- An excellent, comprehensive resource in 25 volumes. In addition to the botanical information the flora also gives basic information on habitat and some uses. An on-line version is also available.
]. The stems only produce leaves in their first year of growth, forming flower and leaf-bearing branches in their second year and dying after fruiting. The plant spreads freely by means of underground suckers, forming a thicket of growth[
11- Title
- Trees and Shrubs Hardy in Great Britain. Vol 1 - 4 and Supplement.
- Publication
- Author
- Bean. W.
- Publisher
- Murray
- Year
- 1981
- -
- Description
- A classic with a wealth of information on the plants, but poor on pictures.
The plant is commonly harvested from the wild for local use as a food and is also used as a medicine. It is sometimes grown as an ornamental in gardens[
11- Title
- Trees and Shrubs Hardy in Great Britain. Vol 1 - 4 and Supplement.
- Publication
- Author
- Bean. W.
- Publisher
- Murray
- Year
- 1981
- -
- Description
- A classic with a wealth of information on the plants, but poor on pictures.
Known Hazards
None known
Botanical References
11- Title
- Trees and Shrubs Hardy in Great Britain. Vol 1 - 4 and Supplement.
- Publication
- Author
- Bean. W.
- Publisher
- Murray
- Year
- 1981
- -
- Description
- A classic with a wealth of information on the plants, but poor on pictures.
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
266- Title
- Flora of China
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Missouri Botanical Garden Press; St. Louis.
- Year
- 1994
- Description
- An excellent, comprehensive resource in 25 volumes. In addition to the botanical information the flora also gives basic information on habitat and some uses. An on-line version is also available.
E. Asia - China, Japan, Korea, Myanmar, Vietnam.
Sunny slopes, streamsides, montane valleys, thickets and waste places; at elevations from 200 - 2,600 metres[
266- Title
- Flora of China
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Missouri Botanical Garden Press; St. Louis.
- Year
- 1994
- Description
- An excellent, comprehensive resource in 25 volumes. In addition to the botanical information the flora also gives basic information on habitat and some uses. An on-line version is also available.
Edibility Rating |    |
Medicinal Rating |   |
Other Uses Rating |   |
Habit | Deciduous Shrub |
Height | 2.00 m |
Pollinators | Insects |
Cultivation Status | Ornamental, Wild |
Cultivation Details
Easily grown in a good well-drained loamy soil in sun or semi-shade[
1- Title
- RHS Dictionary of Plants plus Supplement. 1956
- Publication
- Author
- F. Chittendon.
- Publisher
- Oxford University Press
- Year
- 1951
- -
- Description
- Comprehensive listing of species and how to grow them. Somewhat outdated, it has been replaced in 1992 by a new dictionary (see [200]).
11- Title
- Trees and Shrubs Hardy in Great Britain. Vol 1 - 4 and Supplement.
- Publication
- Author
- Bean. W.
- Publisher
- Murray
- Year
- 1981
- -
- Description
- A classic with a wealth of information on the plants, but poor on pictures.
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
An aggressive plant, it spreads vigorously but may be of value in the wild garden[
11- Title
- Trees and Shrubs Hardy in Great Britain. Vol 1 - 4 and Supplement.
- Publication
- Author
- Bean. W.
- Publisher
- Murray
- Year
- 1981
- -
- Description
- A classic with a wealth of information on the plants, but poor on pictures.
]. Succeeds in a woodland garden[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
Plants in this genus are notably susceptible to honey fungus[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
Edible Uses
Fruit - raw or cooked[
1- Title
- RHS Dictionary of Plants plus Supplement. 1956
- Publication
- Author
- F. Chittendon.
- Publisher
- Oxford University Press
- Year
- 1951
- -
- Description
- Comprehensive listing of species and how to grow them. Somewhat outdated, it has been replaced in 1992 by a new dictionary (see [200]).
2- Title
- Sturtevant's Edible Plants of the World.
- Publication
- Author
- Hedrick. U. P.
- Publisher
- Dover Publications
- Year
- 1972
- 0-486-20459-6
- Description
- Lots of entries, quite a lot of information in most entries and references.
105- Title
- Tanaka's Cyclopedia of Edible Plants of the World.
- Publication
- Author
- Tanaka. T. & Nakao S.
- Publisher
- Keigaku Publishing; Tokyo
- Year
- 1976
- -
- Description
- The most comprehensive list of edible plants I've come across. Only the briefest entry for each species, though, and some of the entries are more than a little dubious. Not for the casual reader.
]. A delicious vinous flavour[
11- Title
- Trees and Shrubs Hardy in Great Britain. Vol 1 - 4 and Supplement.
- Publication
- Author
- Bean. W.
- Publisher
- Murray
- Year
- 1981
- -
- Description
- A classic with a wealth of information on the plants, but poor on pictures.
]. The fresh fruit are used for making jam, drinks, and wine[
266- Title
- Flora of China
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Missouri Botanical Garden Press; St. Louis.
- Year
- 1994
- Description
- An excellent, comprehensive resource in 25 volumes. In addition to the botanical information the flora also gives basic information on habitat and some uses. An on-line version is also available.
]. The subglobose red fruits are up to 12mm in diameter[
266- Title
- Flora of China
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Missouri Botanical Garden Press; St. Louis.
- Year
- 1994
- Description
- An excellent, comprehensive resource in 25 volumes. In addition to the botanical information the flora also gives basic information on habitat and some uses. An on-line version is also available.
The fruit, seeds, and roots are used in the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and stomach aches[
1254- Title
- Cytotoxicity and Pharmacogenomics of Medicinal Plants from Traditional Korean Medicine
- Publication
- Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Volume 2013, Article ID 341724, 14 pages
- Author
- Kuete V.; Ean-Jeong Seo; Krusche B.; Oswald M.; Wiench B.; S
- Website
- Publisher
- Hindawi Publishing Corporation
- Year
- 2013
- Description
The whole plant contains various medicinally active compounds that have cytotoxic properties and are of potential use in the treatment of cancer[
1254- Title
- Cytotoxicity and Pharmacogenomics of Medicinal Plants from Traditional Korean Medicine
- Publication
- Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Volume 2013, Article ID 341724, 14 pages
- Author
- Kuete V.; Ean-Jeong Seo; Krusche B.; Oswald M.; Wiench B.; S
- Website
- Publisher
- Hindawi Publishing Corporation
- Year
- 2013
- Description
The plant also contains an essential oil that has been shown to have antioxidant activity[
1254- Title
- Cytotoxicity and Pharmacogenomics of Medicinal Plants from Traditional Korean Medicine
- Publication
- Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Volume 2013, Article ID 341724, 14 pages
- Author
- Kuete V.; Ean-Jeong Seo; Krusche B.; Oswald M.; Wiench B.; S
- Website
- Publisher
- Hindawi Publishing Corporation
- Year
- 2013
- Description
Agroforestry Uses:
Most, if not all, thicket-forming species of Rubus have good erosion control value. They usually grow satisfactorily on barren and infertile soils and invade and occupy eroded areas. They also establish quickly on burns, old fields, and logged areas. Forming extensive and nearly impenetrable thickets, they can provide excellent cover for wildlife as well as nesting sites for small birds. They are often natural pioneer species, paving the way for woodlands to develop, but they should only really be used within their native range in order to avoid any risks of them invading other habitats[
1050- Title
- Fire Effects Information System
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An on-line information site with comprehensive information on over 1,100 species of plant. Mainly developed to supply information on the effects of fire on plants and animals, it also contains a wealth of other information on the plants
K- Title
- Plants for a Future
- Author
- Ken Fern
- Description
- Notes from observations, tasting etc at Plants For A Future and on field trips.
Other Uses
The fruits have a delicious sweet-sour fruit flavour and, on this account, have been used since 1987 in breeding programmes in China[
The stems and roots are a source of tannin[
266- Title
- Flora of China
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Missouri Botanical Garden Press; St. Louis.
- Year
- 1994
- Description
- An excellent, comprehensive resource in 25 volumes. In addition to the botanical information the flora also gives basic information on habitat and some uses. An on-line version is also available.
Seed - requires stratification and is best sown in early autumn in a cold frame. Stored seed requires one month stratification at about 3°c and is best sown as early as possible in the year. Prick out the seedlings when they are large enough to handle and grow on in a cold frame. Plant them out into their permanent positions in late spring of the following year.
Cuttings of half-ripe wood, mid summer in a frame[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
Tip layering in July. Plant out in autumn.
Division in early spring or just before leaf-fall in the autumn[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
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