Persicaria maculosa
Persicaria amblyophylla H.Hara
Persicaria dolichopoda (Ohki) Nakai
Persicaria fallax Greene
Persicaria fusiformis (Greene) Greene
Persicaria granulata Greene
Persicaria incana Gray
Persicaria interrupta Gray
Persicaria lorinseri Opiz
Persicaria mitis Delarbre
Persicaria mitis Garsault
Persicaria opaca (Sam.) Koidz.
Persicaria persicaria (L.) Small
Persicaria pusilla Gray
Persicaria rivularis Opiz
Persicaria ruderalis C.F.Reed
Persicaria salicifolia Gray
Persicaria vulgaris Webb & Moq.
Peutalis persicaria (L.) Raf.
Polygonon persicarium (L.) St.-Lag.
Polygonum albescens Gand.
Polygonum amblyophyllum (H.Hara) Kitam.
Polygonum arnassense Gand.
Polygonum bellardii Blanco
Polygonum biforme Wahlenb.
Polygonum camptocladum Gand.
Polygonum caniusculum Gand.
Polygonum debilius Gand.
Polygonum elatiusculum Gand.
Polygonum erythrocladum Gand.
Polygonum fallax Greene
Polygonum fusiforme Greene
Polygonum hirtovaginum Gand.
Polygonum humifixum Gand.
Polygonum ilophilum Gand.
Polygonum intermixtum Gand.
Polygonum interruptellum Gand.
Polygonum lacunosum Gand.
Polygonum lamellosum Gand.
Polygonum lapathifolium Willd.
Polygonum longipilum Gand.
Polygonum lorinseri Opiz
Polygonum lugdunense Gand.
Polygonum millepunctatum Gand.
Polygonum niloticum Meisn.
Polygonum nisus Gand.
Polygonum opacum Sam.
Polygonum orthocladum Gand.
Polygonum ovatolanceolatum Gand.
Polygonum pallidiflorum Gand.
Polygonum persicaria L.
Polygonum praelongum Gand.
Polygonum punctatum Kitt.
Polygonum rhombaeum Gand.
Polygonum rubelliflorum Gand.
Polygonum ruderale Salisb.
Polygonum rufescens Gand.
Polygonum serotinum Ten.
Polygonum subcanum Gand.
Polygonum subsimplex Gand.
Polygonum vernum Raf.
Common Name: Red Leg
General Information
Persicaria maculosa is an erect to procumbent, annual plant with stems that can be branched or simple[ it can grow from 20 - 120cm tall[
266- Title
- Flora of China
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Missouri Botanical Garden Press; St. Louis.
- Year
- 1994
- Description
- An excellent, comprehensive resource in 25 volumes. In addition to the botanical information the flora also gives basic information on habitat and some uses. An on-line version is also available.
1093- Title
- Invasive Species Compendium
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An immense resource - in depth information on over 900 species of invasive plants (it also has information on animals, fungi etc).
The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a food, medicine and source of materials.
Persicaria maculosa is an annual plant that can be very competitive with crop plants, particularly in moist areas, and has an ability to spread rapidly once introduced to an area. The economic impact of the plant in agricultural production is sufficient for various governments to declare this weed as a noxious pest, and it is also listed as invasive in many areas, especially the Ameriicas[
1093- Title
- Invasive Species Compendium
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An immense resource - in depth information on over 900 species of invasive plants (it also has information on animals, fungi etc).
Known Hazards
Although no specific mention has been made for this species, there have been reports that some members of this genus can cause photosensitivity in susceptible people.
Many species also contain oxalic acid (the distinctive lemony flavour of sorrel) - whilst not toxic this substance can bind up other minerals making them unavailable to the body and leading to mineral deficiency. Having said that, a number of common foods such as sorrel and rhubarb contain oxalic acid and the leaves of most members of this genus are nutritious and beneficial to eat in moderate quantities. Cooking the leaves will reduce their content of oxalic acid. People with a tendency to rheumatism, arthritis, gout, kidney stones or hyperacidity should take especial caution if including this plant in their diet since it can aggravate their condition[
238- Title
- Encyclopaedia of Herbs and their Uses.
- Publication
- Author
- Bown. D.
- Publisher
- Dorling Kindersley, London.
- Year
- 1995
- 0-7513-020-31
- Description
- A very well presented and informative book on herbs from around the globe. Plenty in it for both the casual reader and the serious student. Just one main quibble is the silly way of having two separate entries for each plant.
Botanical References
17- Title
- Flora of the British Isles.
- Publication
- Author
- Clapham, Tutin and Warburg.
- Publisher
- Cambridge University Press
- Year
- 1962
- -
- Description
- A very comprehensive flora, the standard reference book but it has no pictures.
266- Title
- Flora of China
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Missouri Botanical Garden Press; St. Louis.
- Year
- 1994
- Description
- An excellent, comprehensive resource in 25 volumes. In addition to the botanical information the flora also gives basic information on habitat and some uses. An on-line version is also available.
270- Title
- Flora of N. America
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An on-line version of the flora with an excellent description of the plant including a brief mention of plant uses.
Widespread in the Temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, including Britain.
Damp shady places[
5- Title
- Food for Free.
- Publication
- Author
- Mabey. R.
- Publisher
- Collins
- Year
- 1974
- 0-00-219060-5
- Description
- Edible wild plants found in Britain. Fairly comprehensive, very few pictures and rather optimistic on the desirability of some of the plants.
]. A common weed of cultivated land, avoiding shade[
1- Title
- RHS Dictionary of Plants plus Supplement. 1956
- Publication
- Author
- F. Chittendon.
- Publisher
- Oxford University Press
- Year
- 1951
- -
- Description
- Comprehensive listing of species and how to grow them. Somewhat outdated, it has been replaced in 1992 by a new dictionary (see [200]).
]. Weedy, moist semiwaste to cultivated area[
270- Title
- Flora of N. America
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An on-line version of the flora with an excellent description of the plant including a brief mention of plant uses.
]. Streamsides, wet areas, field margins; at elevations from 100 - 1,800 metres[
266- Title
- Flora of China
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Missouri Botanical Garden Press; St. Louis.
- Year
- 1994
- Description
- An excellent, comprehensive resource in 25 volumes. In addition to the botanical information the flora also gives basic information on habitat and some uses. An on-line version is also available.
Weed Potential | Yes |
Edibility Rating |   |
Medicinal Rating |   |
Other Uses Rating |   |
Habit | Annual |
Height | 0.60 m |
Pollinators | Self |
Self-fertile | Yes |
Cultivation Status | Wild |
Cultivation Details
Persicaria maculosa is a very cold-hardy plant, being able to tolerate temperatures down to around -25°c when fully dormant. It is also a very adaptable plant and can be found through much of the temperate zone, extending into the subtropics and also at moderate to high elevations in the tropics[
1093- Title
- Invasive Species Compendium
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An immense resource - in depth information on over 900 species of invasive plants (it also has information on animals, fungi etc).
Succeeds in an ordinary garden soil[
1- Title
- RHS Dictionary of Plants plus Supplement. 1956
- Publication
- Author
- F. Chittendon.
- Publisher
- Oxford University Press
- Year
- 1951
- -
- Description
- Comprehensive listing of species and how to grow them. Somewhat outdated, it has been replaced in 1992 by a new dictionary (see [200]).
] but prefers a moisture retentive not too fertile soil in sun or part shade[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
]. Repays generous treatment[
1- Title
- RHS Dictionary of Plants plus Supplement. 1956
- Publication
- Author
- F. Chittendon.
- Publisher
- Oxford University Press
- Year
- 1951
- -
- Description
- Comprehensive listing of species and how to grow them. Somewhat outdated, it has been replaced in 1992 by a new dictionary (see [200]).
]. Plants are often found in wet moist soils in the wild, but they also tolerate periods of dryness. They do not tolerate highly acidic soils[
1093- Title
- Invasive Species Compendium
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An immense resource - in depth information on over 900 species of invasive plants (it also has information on animals, fungi etc).
Plants seem to be immune to the predations of rabbits[
233- Title
- Perennial Garden Plants
- Publication
- Author
- Thomas. G. S.
- Publisher
- J. M. Dent & Sons, London.
- Year
- 1990
- 0 460 86048 8
- Description
- A concise guide to a wide range of perennials. Lots of cultivation guides, very little on plant uses.
Edible Uses
Leaves and young shoots - raw or cooked[
55- Title
- Eat the Weeds.
- Publication
- Author
- Harris. B. C.
- Publisher
- Pivot Health
- Year
- 1973
- -
- Description
- Interesting reading.
62- Title
- A Field Guide to N. American Edible Wild Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Elias. T. and Dykeman. P.
- Publisher
- Van Nostrand Reinhold
- Year
- 1982
- 0442222009
- Description
- Very readable.
105- Title
- Tanaka's Cyclopedia of Edible Plants of the World.
- Publication
- Author
- Tanaka. T. & Nakao S.
- Publisher
- Keigaku Publishing; Tokyo
- Year
- 1976
- -
- Description
- The most comprehensive list of edible plants I've come across. Only the briefest entry for each species, though, and some of the entries are more than a little dubious. Not for the casual reader.
183- Title
- Cornucopia - A Source Book of Edible Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Facciola. S.
- Publisher
- Kampong Publications
- Year
- 1990
- 0-9628087-0-9
- Description
- Excellent. Contains a very wide range of conventional and unconventional food plants (including tropical) and where they can be obtained (mainly N. American nurseries but also research institutes and a lot of other nurseries from around the world.
]. They contain about 1.9% fat, 5.4% pectin, 3.2% sugars, 27.6% cellulose, 1% tannin[
178- Title
- Chinese Materia Medica.
- Publication
- Author
- Stuart. Rev. G. A.
- Publisher
- Taipei. Southern Materials Centre
- Year
- 1911
- -
- Description
- A translation of an ancient Chinese herbal. Fascinating.
We have no specific information for this species, but the seed of most, if not all, members of the genus is edible both raw and cooked, and is potentially a good source of amino acids. Unfortunately the seed is also usually rather small and fiddly to utilize[
K- Title
- Plants for a Future
- Author
- Ken Fern
- Description
- Notes from observations, tasting etc at Plants For A Future and on field trips.
The leaves are astringent, diuretic, rubefacient and vermifuge[
9- Title
- Edible and Medicinal Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Launert. E.
- Publisher
- Hamlyn
- Year
- 1981
- 0-600-37216-2
- Description
- Covers plants in Europe. a drawing of each plant, quite a bit of interesting information.
21- Title
- The Herb Book.
- Publication
- Author
- Lust. J.
- Publisher
- Bantam books
- Year
- 1983
- 0-553-23827-2
- Description
- Lots of information tightly crammed into a fairly small book.
53- Title
- The Wild Garden.
- Publication
- Author
- De. Bray. L.
- Publisher
- Year
- Description
- Interesting reading.
178- Title
- Chinese Materia Medica.
- Publication
- Author
- Stuart. Rev. G. A.
- Publisher
- Taipei. Southern Materials Centre
- Year
- 1911
- -
- Description
- A translation of an ancient Chinese herbal. Fascinating.
222- Title
- A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants. Eastern and Central N. America.
- Publication
- Author
- Foster. S. & Duke. J. A.
- Publisher
- Houghton Mifflin Co.
- Year
- 1990
- 0395467225
- Description
- A concise book dealing with almost 500 species. A line drawing of each plant is included plus colour photographs of about 100 species. Very good as a field guide, it only gives brief details about the plants medicinal properties.
]. An infusion has been used as a treatment for gravel and stomach pains[
257- Title
- Native American Ethnobotany
- Publication
- Author
- Moerman. D.
- Publisher
- Timber Press. Oregon.
- Year
- 1998
- 0-88192-453-9
- Description
- Very comprehensive but terse guide to the native uses of plants. Excellent bibliography, fully referenced to each plant, giving a pathway to further information. Not for the casual reader.
The crushed leaves have been used as a rub to alleviate poison ivy rash[
257- Title
- Native American Ethnobotany
- Publication
- Author
- Moerman. D.
- Publisher
- Timber Press. Oregon.
- Year
- 1998
- 0-88192-453-9
- Description
- Very comprehensive but terse guide to the native uses of plants. Excellent bibliography, fully referenced to each plant, giving a pathway to further information. Not for the casual reader.
A decoction of the plant, mixed with flour, has been used as a poultice to help relieve pain[
257- Title
- Native American Ethnobotany
- Publication
- Author
- Moerman. D.
- Publisher
- Timber Press. Oregon.
- Year
- 1998
- 0-88192-453-9
- Description
- Very comprehensive but terse guide to the native uses of plants. Excellent bibliography, fully referenced to each plant, giving a pathway to further information. Not for the casual reader.
]. A decoction of the plant has been used as a foot and leg soak in the treatment of rheumatism[
257- Title
- Native American Ethnobotany
- Publication
- Author
- Moerman. D.
- Publisher
- Timber Press. Oregon.
- Year
- 1998
- 0-88192-453-9
- Description
- Very comprehensive but terse guide to the native uses of plants. Excellent bibliography, fully referenced to each plant, giving a pathway to further information. Not for the casual reader.
Other Uses
A yellow dye is obtained from the plant when alum is used as a mordant[
207- Title
- The History and Folklore of North American Wild Flowers.
- Publication
- Author
- Coffey. T.
- Publisher
- Facts on File.
- Year
- 1993
- 0-8160-2624-6
- Description
- A nice read, lots of information on plant uses.
Seed - sow spring in situ. Seeds are dormant when they are shed from the plant, and require a cold, moist period in order to break that dormancy[
1093- Title
- Invasive Species Compendium
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An immense resource - in depth information on over 900 species of invasive plants (it also has information on animals, fungi etc).
]. Length of initial seed dormancy varies widely on individual plants and between populations. Seeds normally germinate in the springtime, and those that do not germinate the first season enter secondary dormancy[
1093- Title
- Invasive Species Compendium
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An immense resource - in depth information on over 900 species of invasive plants (it also has information on animals, fungi etc).
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