Koyamacalia pseudotaimingasa
(Nakai) H.Rob. & Brettell
There have been many debates about this species' delimitation. The main difficulties lie in the considerable phenotypic plasticity which is very common in this taxonomic group. Whilst some botanists have accepted Koyamacalia pseudotaimingasa as a good species, other authorities have considered that these plants are merely extreme forms of Parasenecio firmus (Kom.) Y.L.Chen[
338- Title
- IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.iucnredlist.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A list of plants under threat and facing possible extinction, usually with brief details of the threats and information on habitat.
Cacalia pseudo-taimingasa Nakai
Parasenecio pseudotaimingasa (Nakai) B.U.Oh
Common Name:
General Information
Koyamacalia pseudotaimingasa is a herbaceous, perennial plant with a stout stem up to 2 metres tall.
The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a food. The leaves are large and attractive and so the plant is sometimes grown as an ornamental[
338- Title
- IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.iucnredlist.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A list of plants under threat and facing possible extinction, usually with brief details of the threats and information on habitat.
Koyamacalia pseudotaimingasa is endemic to South Korea, with a restricted distribution on mountain areas in the Jeolanam-do and Gyeongsangnam-do provinces. The main threat to this species is the loss of mature individuals by illegal collection for food and ornamental uses. Most of them are found along mountain trails, so its habitats are vulnerable to habitat degradation by hikers. It is classified as 'Vulnerable' in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species(2013)[
338- Title
- IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.iucnredlist.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A list of plants under threat and facing possible extinction, usually with brief details of the threats and information on habitat.
Known Hazards
None known
Botanical References
E. Asia - southern Korea.
Mountain woods[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
]. The understorey of mixed forests, growing on rich, well-drained soils, often becoming abundant where it occurs, growing in dense patches and able to colonize disturbed sites; at elevations from 300 - 1,500 metres[
338- Title
- IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- http://www.iucnredlist.org/
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A list of plants under threat and facing possible extinction, usually with brief details of the threats and information on habitat.
Conservation Status | Vulnerable |
Edibility Rating |   |
Habit | Perennial |
Height | 1.50 m |
Pollinators | Insects |
Cultivation Status | Ornamental, Wild |
Cultivation Details
Species in this genus generally prefer a moist peaty or leafy lime-free soil in shade or semi-shade[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
Plants tend to be somewhat invasive, they are best suited to naturalizing in the wild or woodland garden[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
Edible Uses
Young leaves - cooked[
177- Title
- Plants for Human Consumption.
- Publication
- Author
- Kunkel. G.
- Publisher
- Koeltz Scientific Books
- Year
- 1984
- 3874292169
- Description
- An excellent book for the dedicated. A comprehensive listing of Latin names with a brief list of edible parts.
None known
Other Uses
None known
Seed - we have no information on this species but suggest sowing the seed in spring in a cold frame. Surface sow or only just cover the seed and do not allow the compost to dry out. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots when they are large enough to handle and grow them on in light shade until they are large enough to plant out.
Division in spring.
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