Ilex cassine
Ageria cassena Raf.
Ageria geminata Raf.
Ageria heterophylla Raf.
Ageria obovata Raf.
Ageria palustris Raf.
Cassine caroliniana Lam.
Cassine corymbosa Mill.
Cassine ramulosa Raf.
Hexotria lanceolata Raf.
Hierophyllus cassena (Michx.) Raf.
Ilex angustifolia Salisb.
Ilex angustifolia Willd.
Ilex atramentaria Barton
Ilex caroliniana Mill.
Ilex cassena Michx.
Ilex cassinoides Dum.Cours.
Ilex cassinoides Link
Ilex castaneifolia Decne.
Ilex dahoon Walter
Ilex floridana Lam.
Ilex lanceolata Chapm.
Ilex lanceolata Griseb.
Ilex laurifolia Nutt.
Ilex ligustrifolia G.Don
Ilex ligustrina Elliott
Ilex mexicana (Turcz.) Black ex Hemsl.
Ilex myrtifolia Lam.
Ilex peragua Trel.
Ilex phyllyreifolia Decne.
Ilex ramulosa Raf.
Ilex religiosa Barton
Ilex rosmarinifolia Lam.
Ilex watsoniana Spach
Ilex wrightii Trel.
Pileostegia mexicana Turcz.
Prinos cassinoides Steud.
Prinos lanceolatus Hill
Viburnum corymbosum (Mill.) Rehder
Common Name: Cassine
General Information
Ilex cassine is an evergreen tree that usually grows around 3 - 9 metres tall, though it can reach 21 metres in Florida[
338- Title
- IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A list of plants under threat and facing possible extinction, usually with brief details of the threats and information on habitat.
The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a food, medicine and source of materials. It is sometimes grown as an ornamental.
Ilex cassine has a high population across a very extensive range. The plant is classified as 'Least Concern' in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species(2018)[
338- Title
- IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- A list of plants under threat and facing possible extinction, usually with brief details of the threats and information on habitat.
Known Hazards
Although no specific reports of toxicity have been seen for this species, Ilex species in general contain several potentially toxic compounds, particularly saponins, glycosides and triterpenoids. These compounds also often have a range of potential health benefits[
274- Title
- Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas
- Publication
- Author
- Diggs, Jnr. G.M.; Lipscomb. B. L. & O'Kennon. R. J
- Website
- Publisher
- Botanical Research Institute, Texas.
- Year
- 1999
- 1-889878-01-4
- Description
- An excellent flora, which is also available on-line.
293- Title
- Poisonous Plants of North Carolina
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent concise but comprehensive guide to toxic plants that grow in N. Carolina. It lists even those plants that are of very low toxicity, including several well-known food plants such as carrots and potatoes.
2070- Title
- Genus Ilex L.: Phytochemistry, Ethnopharmacology, and Pharmacology
- Publication
- Chinese Herbal Medicines, 2016, 8(3): 209-230
- Author
- Fan Yi, Xiao-ling Zhao, Yong Peng, Pei-gen Xiao
- Website
- http://10.1016/S1674-6384(16)60044-8
- Publisher
- Year
- 2016
- Description
The berries are usually the part of the plant most likely to be toxic, though the degree of toxicity is usually low. Their bitter flavour usually prevents a person eating more than one or two, but even a small handful of the fruit eaten by a healthy adult is unlikely to cause more than feelings of nausea that can lead on to vomiting and diarrhoea[
293- Title
- Poisonous Plants of North Carolina
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An excellent concise but comprehensive guide to toxic plants that grow in N. Carolina. It lists even those plants that are of very low toxicity, including several well-known food plants such as carrots and potatoes.
The compounds in the leaves are particularly interesting. The leaves of many Ilex species around the world are commonly used to make health-promoting teas that, when drunk on a regular basis, help to regulate bodily functions and can reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood-cholesterol levels etc (See Ilex paraguariensis or Ilex kaushue for examples)[
2070- Title
- Genus Ilex L.: Phytochemistry, Ethnopharmacology, and Pharmacology
- Publication
- Chinese Herbal Medicines, 2016, 8(3): 209-230
- Author
- Fan Yi, Xiao-ling Zhao, Yong Peng, Pei-gen Xiao
- Website
- http://10.1016/S1674-6384(16)60044-8
- Publisher
- Year
- 2016
- Description
]. Even these teas, however, if taken in very concentrated doses, can act as a laxative or cause vomiting. Indeed, several species are used by traditional peoples to induce vomiting as a means of purifying the body (see Ilex guayusa or Ilex vomitoria for examples)
Botanical References
11- Title
- Trees and Shrubs Hardy in Great Britain. Vol 1 - 4 and Supplement.
- Publication
- Author
- Bean. W.
- Publisher
- Murray
- Year
- 1981
- -
- Description
- A classic with a wealth of information on the plants, but poor on pictures.
82- Title
- Manual of the Trees of N. America.
- Publication
- Author
- Sargent. C. S.
- Website
- Publisher
- Dover Publications Inc. New York.
- Year
- 1965
- 0-486-20278-X
- Description
- Two volumes, a comprehensive listing of N. American trees though a bit out of date now. Good details on habitats, some details on plant uses. Not really for the casual reader. It can be downloaded from the internet.
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
Southern N. America - central and northern Mexico, east to North Carolina and Florida; Caribbean - Bahamas, Cuba
Cold swamps and on their borders in rich moist soils. Occasionally also found on high sandy banks of pine barren streams[
82- Title
- Manual of the Trees of N. America.
- Publication
- Author
- Sargent. C. S.
- Website
- Publisher
- Dover Publications Inc. New York.
- Year
- 1965
- 0-486-20278-X
- Description
- Two volumes, a comprehensive listing of N. American trees though a bit out of date now. Good details on habitats, some details on plant uses. Not really for the casual reader. It can be downloaded from the internet.
Conservation Status | Least Concern |
Edibility Rating |   |
Medicinal Rating |   |
Other Uses Rating |   |
Habit | Evergreen Tree |
Height | 10.00 m |
Growth Rate | Slow |
Pollinators | Bees |
Self-fertile | No |
Cultivation Status | Ornamental, Wild |
Cultivation Details
Ilex species generally tolerate most soils that are not water-logged[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
A slow-growing and generally short-lived species in the wild[
229- Title
- The Complete Trees of N. America. Field Guide and Natural History.
- Publication
- Author
- Elias. T.
- Publisher
- Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
- Year
- 1980
- 0442238622
- Description
- A very good concise guide. Gives habitats, good descriptions, maps showing distribution and a few of the uses. It also includes the many shrubs that occasionally reach tree proportions.
Resents root disturbance, especially as the plants get older[
11- Title
- Trees and Shrubs Hardy in Great Britain. Vol 1 - 4 and Supplement.
- Publication
- Author
- Bean. W.
- Publisher
- Murray
- Year
- 1981
- -
- Description
- A classic with a wealth of information on the plants, but poor on pictures.
]. It is best to place the plants into their permanent positions as soon as possible, perhaps giving some winter protection for their first year or two[
K- Title
- Plants for a Future
- Author
- Ken Fern
- Description
- Notes from observations, tasting etc at Plants For A Future and on field trips.
Flowers are produced on the current year's growth[
229- Title
- The Complete Trees of N. America. Field Guide and Natural History.
- Publication
- Author
- Elias. T.
- Publisher
- Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
- Year
- 1980
- 0442238622
- Description
- A very good concise guide. Gives habitats, good descriptions, maps showing distribution and a few of the uses. It also includes the many shrubs that occasionally reach tree proportions.
Plants are very tolerant of pruning and can be cut right back into old wood if required[
188- Title
- The RHS Gardener's Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers
- Publication
- Author
- Brickell. C.
- Publisher
- Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd.
- Year
- 1990
- 0-86318-386-7
- Description
- Excellent range of photographs, some cultivation details but very little information on plant uses.
A dioecious species - both male and female forms must be grown if fruit and seed are required.
Edible Uses
The dried and roasted leaves can be used as a tea substitute[
161- Title
- Food Plants of the N. American Indians. Publication no. 237.
- Publication
- Author
- Yanovsky. E.
- Publisher
- U.S. Depf of Agriculture.
- Year
- -
- Description
- A comprehensive but very terse guide. Not for the casual reader.
177- Title
- Plants for Human Consumption.
- Publication
- Author
- Kunkel. G.
- Publisher
- Koeltz Scientific Books
- Year
- 1984
- 3874292169
- Description
- An excellent book for the dedicated. A comprehensive listing of Latin names with a brief list of edible parts.
1438- Title
- Food Plants in the Americas: A Survey of the Domesticated, Cultivated, and Wild Plants Used for Human Food in North,
- Publication
- Author
- Kermath B.M.; Bennett B.C.' Pulsipher L.M.
- Publisher
- Year
- 2014
- Description
- A pre-publication draft of an amazing, on-going work first started in 1985. It contains information on more than 3,900 taxa from the Americas - from Arctic regions to the Tropics
]. Some caution is advised since it can cause dizziness and have a laxative effect[
183- Title
- Cornucopia - A Source Book of Edible Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Facciola. S.
- Publisher
- Kampong Publications
- Year
- 1990
- 0-9628087-0-9
- Description
- Excellent. Contains a very wide range of conventional and unconventional food plants (including tropical) and where they can be obtained (mainly N. American nurseries but also research institutes and a lot of other nurseries from around the world.
The leaves are hypnotic and laxative[
183- Title
- Cornucopia - A Source Book of Edible Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Facciola. S.
- Publisher
- Kampong Publications
- Year
- 1990
- 0-9628087-0-9
- Description
- Excellent. Contains a very wide range of conventional and unconventional food plants (including tropical) and where they can be obtained (mainly N. American nurseries but also research institutes and a lot of other nurseries from around the world.
192- Title
- Narcotic Plants
- Publication
- Author
- Emboden. W.
- Publisher
- Studio Vista
- Year
- 1979
- 0-289-70864-8
- Description
- A lot of details about the history, chemistry and use of narcotic plants, including hallucinogens, stimulants, inebriants and hypnotics.
A strong decoction of the plant was used by some native North American Indian tribes to induce vomiting. This was seen partly as a physical and partly a spiritual cleansing[
257- Title
- Native American Ethnobotany
- Publication
- Author
- Moerman. D.
- Publisher
- Timber Press. Oregon.
- Year
- 1998
- 0-88192-453-9
- Description
- Very comprehensive but terse guide to the native uses of plants. Excellent bibliography, fully referenced to each plant, giving a pathway to further information. Not for the casual reader.
Other Uses
The plant has been used as a soap[
257- Title
- Native American Ethnobotany
- Publication
- Author
- Moerman. D.
- Publisher
- Timber Press. Oregon.
- Year
- 1998
- 0-88192-453-9
- Description
- Very comprehensive but terse guide to the native uses of plants. Excellent bibliography, fully referenced to each plant, giving a pathway to further information. Not for the casual reader.
]. No more information is given.
Wood - soft, light, close-grained, not strong[
82- Title
- Manual of the Trees of N. America.
- Publication
- Author
- Sargent. C. S.
- Website
- Publisher
- Dover Publications Inc. New York.
- Year
- 1965
- 0-486-20278-X
- Description
- Two volumes, a comprehensive listing of N. American trees though a bit out of date now. Good details on habitats, some details on plant uses. Not really for the casual reader. It can be downloaded from the internet.
]. It weighs 30lb per cubic foot[
235- Title
- An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States and Canada
- Publication
- Author
- Britton. N. L. Brown. A.
- Publisher
- Dover Publications. New York.
- Year
- 1970
- 0-486-22642-5
- Description
- Reprint of a 1913 Flora, but still a very useful book.
]. Of no commercial importance[
229- Title
- The Complete Trees of N. America. Field Guide and Natural History.
- Publication
- Author
- Elias. T.
- Publisher
- Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
- Year
- 1980
- 0442238622
- Description
- A very good concise guide. Gives habitats, good descriptions, maps showing distribution and a few of the uses. It also includes the many shrubs that occasionally reach tree proportions.
Seed - best sown as soon as it is ripe in the autumn in a cold frame. It can take 18 months to germinate. Stored seed generally requires two winters and a summer before it will germinate and should be sown as soon as possible in a cold frame. Scarification, followed by a warm stratification and then a cold stratification may speed up the germination time[
78- Title
- Propagation of Trees, Shrubs and Conifers.
- Publication
- Author
- Sheat. W. G.
- Publisher
- MacMillan and Co
- Year
- 1948
- -
- Description
- A bit dated but a good book on propagation techniques with specific details for a wide range of plants.
80- Title
- Hardy Woody Plants from Seed.
- Publication
- Author
- McMillan-Browse. P.
- Publisher
- Grower Books
- Year
- 1985
- 0-901361-21-6
- Description
- Does not deal with many species but it is very comprehensive on those that it does cover. Not for casual reading.
]. The seedlings are rather slow-growing. Pot them up into individual pots when they are large enough to handle and grow them on in light shade in a cold frame for their first year. It is possible to plant them out into a nursery bed in late spring of the following year, but they should not be left here for more than two years since they do not like being transplanted. Alternatively, grow them on in their pots for a second season and then plant them out into their permanent positions in late spring or early summer. Give them a good mulch and some protection for their first winter outdoors.
Cuttings of almost ripe wood with a heel, August in a shaded position in a cold frame. Leave for 12 months before potting up.
Layering in early autumn. Takes 2 years.
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