Arctostaphylos tomentosa
(Pursh) Lindl.
Andromeda bracteosa DC.
Arbutus tomentosa Pursh
Arctostaphylos bracteosa (DC.) Abrams
Arctostaphylos campbellae Eastw.
Arctostaphylos cordifolia Lindl.
Arctostaphylos crustacean Eastw.
Arctostaphylos glandulosa campbellae (Eastw.) J.E.Adams ex McMinn
Arctostaphylos procera Lindl. ex Pritz.
Arctostaphylos rosei Eastw.
Arctostaphylos subcordata Eastw
Daphnidostaphylis cordifolia (Lindl.) Klotzsch
Daphnidostaphylis tomentosa (Pursh) Klotzsch
Uva-ursi tomentosa (Pursh) Abrams
Xerobotrys argutus (DC.) Nutt.
Xerobotrys cordifolius (Lindl.) Nutt.
Xerobotrys tomentosus (Pursh) Nutt.
Common Name: Downy Manzanita
General Information
Arctostaphylos tomentosa is a variable, evergreen, erect or mound-forming shrub growing 1 - 3 metres tall[
270- Title
- Flora of N. America
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An on-line version of the flora with an excellent description of the plant including a brief mention of plant uses.
The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a food, medicine and source of wood.
Known Hazards
None known
Botanical References
11- Title
- Trees and Shrubs Hardy in Great Britain. Vol 1 - 4 and Supplement.
- Publication
- Author
- Bean. W.
- Publisher
- Murray
- Year
- 1981
- -
- Description
- A classic with a wealth of information on the plants, but poor on pictures.
71- Title
- A California Flora.
- Publication
- Author
- Munz P.A. & Keck D.D.
- Publisher
- University of California Press; Los Angeles
- Year
- 1959
- -
- Description
- An excellent flora but no pictures. Not for the casual reader.
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
South-western N. America - California
Sandy places[
71- Title
- A California Flora.
- Publication
- Author
- Munz P.A. & Keck D.D.
- Publisher
- University of California Press; Los Angeles
- Year
- 1959
- -
- Description
- An excellent flora but no pictures. Not for the casual reader.
] on the edge of Pinus radiata forests and on windy coastal bluffs below 150 metres[
166- Title
- The Milder Garden.
- Publication
- Author
- Taylor. J.
- Publisher
- Dent
- Year
- 1990
- Description
- A good book on plants that you didn't know could be grown outdoors in Britain.
]. Maritime chaparral on stabilized dunes or coastal uplands; at elevations up to 300 metres[
270- Title
- Flora of N. America
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An on-line version of the flora with an excellent description of the plant including a brief mention of plant uses.
Edibility Rating |    |
Medicinal Rating |   |
Other Uses Rating |   |
Habit | Evergreen Shrub |
Height | 1.50 m |
Pollinators | Bees, Self |
Self-fertile | Yes |
Cultivation Status | Wild |
Cultivation Details
Arctostaphylos tomentosa is found in coastal central California, in areas that receive summer fog[
270- Title
- Flora of N. America
- Publication
- Author
- Website
- Publisher
- Year
- 0
- Description
- An on-line version of the flora with an excellent description of the plant including a brief mention of plant uses.
]. This species is not hardy in the colder areas of the country, it tolerates temperatures down to between -5 and -10°c[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
Requires a deep moist well-drained light or medium lime-free loam[
11- Title
- Trees and Shrubs Hardy in Great Britain. Vol 1 - 4 and Supplement.
- Publication
- Author
- Bean. W.
- Publisher
- Murray
- Year
- 1981
- -
- Description
- A classic with a wealth of information on the plants, but poor on pictures.
166- Title
- The Milder Garden.
- Publication
- Author
- Taylor. J.
- Publisher
- Dent
- Year
- 1990
- Description
- A good book on plants that you didn't know could be grown outdoors in Britain.
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
] in sun or semi-shade but plants produce less fruit when they are grown in the shade[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
]. Tolerates maritime exposure.
Very closely related to Arctostaphylos columbiana but with a more southerly range[
11- Title
- Trees and Shrubs Hardy in Great Britain. Vol 1 - 4 and Supplement.
- Publication
- Author
- Bean. W.
- Publisher
- Murray
- Year
- 1981
- -
- Description
- A classic with a wealth of information on the plants, but poor on pictures.
Plants can regenerate after a forest fire from a mallee-like base[
166- Title
- The Milder Garden.
- Publication
- Author
- Taylor. J.
- Publisher
- Dent
- Year
- 1990
- Description
- A good book on plants that you didn't know could be grown outdoors in Britain.
Plants resent root disturbance and should be placed in their final positions as soon as possible[
11- Title
- Trees and Shrubs Hardy in Great Britain. Vol 1 - 4 and Supplement.
- Publication
- Author
- Bean. W.
- Publisher
- Murray
- Year
- 1981
- -
- Description
- A classic with a wealth of information on the plants, but poor on pictures.
134- Title
- Growing from Seed. Volume 2.
- Publication
- Author
- Rice. G. (Editor)
- Publisher
- Thompson and Morgan.
- Year
- 1988
- -
- Description
- Very readable magazine with lots of information on propagation. An interesting article on Ensete ventricosum.
Edible Uses
Fruit - raw or cooked[
2- Title
- Sturtevant's Edible Plants of the World.
- Publication
- Author
- Hedrick. U. P.
- Publisher
- Dover Publications
- Year
- 1972
- 0-486-20459-6
- Description
- Lots of entries, quite a lot of information in most entries and references.
92- Title
- Early Uses of Californian Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Balls. E. K.
- Publisher
- University of California Press
- Year
- 1975
- 0-520-00072-2
- Description
- A nice readable book.
105- Title
- Tanaka's Cyclopedia of Edible Plants of the World.
- Publication
- Author
- Tanaka. T. & Nakao S.
- Publisher
- Keigaku Publishing; Tokyo
- Year
- 1976
- -
- Description
- The most comprehensive list of edible plants I've come across. Only the briefest entry for each species, though, and some of the entries are more than a little dubious. Not for the casual reader.
161- Title
- Food Plants of the N. American Indians. Publication no. 237.
- Publication
- Author
- Yanovsky. E.
- Publisher
- U.S. Depf of Agriculture.
- Year
- -
- Description
- A comprehensive but very terse guide. Not for the casual reader.
]. Sweet, dry and mealy[
61- Title
- A Dictionary of Plants Used by Man.
- Publication
- Author
- Usher. G.
- Publisher
- Constable
- Year
- 1974
- 0094579202
- Description
- Forget the sexist title, this is one of the best books on the subject. Lists a very extensive range of useful plants from around the world with very brief details of the uses. Not for the casual reader.
]. An important food for native tribes, it can also be dried for winter use[
177- Title
- Plants for Human Consumption.
- Publication
- Author
- Kunkel. G.
- Publisher
- Koeltz Scientific Books
- Year
- 1984
- 3874292169
- Description
- An excellent book for the dedicated. A comprehensive listing of Latin names with a brief list of edible parts.
]. When dried and baked into a bread it is relished by the native Indian tribes[
2- Title
- Sturtevant's Edible Plants of the World.
- Publication
- Author
- Hedrick. U. P.
- Publisher
- Dover Publications
- Year
- 1972
- 0-486-20459-6
- Description
- Lots of entries, quite a lot of information in most entries and references.
]. If harvested when not quite ripe, it can be used like a tart apple[
2- Title
- Sturtevant's Edible Plants of the World.
- Publication
- Author
- Hedrick. U. P.
- Publisher
- Dover Publications
- Year
- 1972
- 0-486-20459-6
- Description
- Lots of entries, quite a lot of information in most entries and references.
]. A cooling sub-acid drink can be made from the fruit[
2- Title
- Sturtevant's Edible Plants of the World.
- Publication
- Author
- Hedrick. U. P.
- Publisher
- Dover Publications
- Year
- 1972
- 0-486-20459-6
- Description
- Lots of entries, quite a lot of information in most entries and references.
257- Title
- Native American Ethnobotany
- Publication
- Author
- Moerman. D.
- Publisher
- Timber Press. Oregon.
- Year
- 1998
- 0-88192-453-9
- Description
- Very comprehensive but terse guide to the native uses of plants. Excellent bibliography, fully referenced to each plant, giving a pathway to further information. Not for the casual reader.
]. The globose fruit is about 8 - 10mm in diameter[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
Seed - ground into a powder and used to make mush, biscuits etc[
92- Title
- Early Uses of Californian Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Balls. E. K.
- Publisher
- University of California Press
- Year
- 1975
- 0-520-00072-2
- Description
- A nice readable book.
257- Title
- Native American Ethnobotany
- Publication
- Author
- Moerman. D.
- Publisher
- Timber Press. Oregon.
- Year
- 1998
- 0-88192-453-9
- Description
- Very comprehensive but terse guide to the native uses of plants. Excellent bibliography, fully referenced to each plant, giving a pathway to further information. Not for the casual reader.
]. The seed is very small and would be difficult to separate from the fruit. It would be easier to dry the whole fruit, grind this into a powder and use it in soups etc[
K- Title
- Plants for a Future
- Author
- Ken Fern
- Description
- Notes from observations, tasting etc at Plants For A Future and on field trips.
The dried leaves are used in the treatment of a variety of complaints[
4- Title
- A Modern Herbal.
- Publication
- Author
- Grieve.
- Publisher
- Penguin
- Year
- 1984
- 0-14-046-440-9
- Description
- Not so modern (1930's?) but lots of information, mainly temperate plants.
]. These leaves should be harvested in early autumn, only green leaves being selected, and then dried in gentle heat[
4- Title
- A Modern Herbal.
- Publication
- Author
- Grieve.
- Publisher
- Penguin
- Year
- 1984
- 0-14-046-440-9
- Description
- Not so modern (1930's?) but lots of information, mainly temperate plants.
]. A tea made from the dried leaves is strongly astringent, diuretic and an antiseptic for the urinary tract[
4- Title
- A Modern Herbal.
- Publication
- Author
- Grieve.
- Publisher
- Penguin
- Year
- 1984
- 0-14-046-440-9
- Description
- Not so modern (1930's?) but lots of information, mainly temperate plants.
222- Title
- A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants. Eastern and Central N. America.
- Publication
- Author
- Foster. S. & Duke. J. A.
- Publisher
- Houghton Mifflin Co.
- Year
- 1990
- 0395467225
- Description
- A concise book dealing with almost 500 species. A line drawing of each plant is included plus colour photographs of about 100 species. Very good as a field guide, it only gives brief details about the plants medicinal properties.
]. It is much used for kidney and bladder complaints and inflammation of the urinary tract, but it should be used with caution[
4- Title
- A Modern Herbal.
- Publication
- Author
- Grieve.
- Publisher
- Penguin
- Year
- 1984
- 0-14-046-440-9
- Description
- Not so modern (1930's?) but lots of information, mainly temperate plants.
21- Title
- The Herb Book.
- Publication
- Author
- Lust. J.
- Publisher
- Bantam books
- Year
- 1983
- 0-553-23827-2
- Description
- Lots of information tightly crammed into a fairly small book.
46- Title
- Dictionary of Economic Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Uphof. J. C. Th.
- Publisher
- Weinheim
- Year
- 1959
- -
- Description
- An excellent and very comprehensive guide but it only gives very short descriptions of the uses without any details of how to utilize the plants. Not for the casual reader.
172- Title
- Discovering Wild Plants - Alaska, W. Canada and the Northwest.
- Publication
- Author
- Schofield. J. J.
- Publisher
- Alaska Northwest Books; Alaska
- Year
- 2003
- 0882403699
- Description
- A nice guide to some useful plants in that area.
] because it contains arbutin which hydrolyzes into the toxic urinary antiseptic hydroquinone[
222- Title
- A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants. Eastern and Central N. America.
- Publication
- Author
- Foster. S. & Duke. J. A.
- Publisher
- Houghton Mifflin Co.
- Year
- 1990
- 0395467225
- Description
- A concise book dealing with almost 500 species. A line drawing of each plant is included plus colour photographs of about 100 species. Very good as a field guide, it only gives brief details about the plants medicinal properties.
An infusion of the bark powder has been used in the treatment of lung haemorrhages[
257- Title
- Native American Ethnobotany
- Publication
- Author
- Moerman. D.
- Publisher
- Timber Press. Oregon.
- Year
- 1998
- 0-88192-453-9
- Description
- Very comprehensive but terse guide to the native uses of plants. Excellent bibliography, fully referenced to each plant, giving a pathway to further information. Not for the casual reader.
A cider made from the fruit has been used as an appetizer to create appetite and treat stomach complaints[
257- Title
- Native American Ethnobotany
- Publication
- Author
- Moerman. D.
- Publisher
- Timber Press. Oregon.
- Year
- 1998
- 0-88192-453-9
- Description
- Very comprehensive but terse guide to the native uses of plants. Excellent bibliography, fully referenced to each plant, giving a pathway to further information. Not for the casual reader.
]. Although the report does not specify, the cider was probably unfermented[
K- Title
- Plants for a Future
- Author
- Ken Fern
- Description
- Notes from observations, tasting etc at Plants For A Future and on field trips.
Other Uses
A yellowish-brown dye is obtained from the leaves, it does not require a mordant[
168- Title
- Nature's Colors - Dyes from Plants.
- Publication
- Author
- Grae. I.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Publishing Co. New York.
- Year
- 1974
- 0-02-544950-8
- Description
- A very good and readable book on dyeing.
The wood is used for making fine furniture[
61- Title
- A Dictionary of Plants Used by Man.
- Publication
- Author
- Usher. G.
- Publisher
- Constable
- Year
- 1974
- 0094579202
- Description
- Forget the sexist title, this is one of the best books on the subject. Lists a very extensive range of useful plants from around the world with very brief details of the uses. Not for the casual reader.
Seed - best sown in a greenhouse as soon as it is ripe. Arctostaphylos seeds, especially if not sown fresh, are generally stimulated into germinating by one of two methods. The most effective is fire passing quickly over seeds that are lying dormant in the soil - this breaks down their surface coat allowing them to imbibe moisture when it next rains and then germinate. Alternatively, stomach acids act upon the seed coat when the fruit is eaten by various animals - the seed frequently passes through the gut unharmed and is deposited in a convenient pile of nutrients when the animal defecates - the seed will often still benefit from a period of winter cold before germinating in the spring. Both of these methods can be somewhat reproduced by the gardener - the seed can be placed under some straw which is then set alight - both seeds and ashes should be sown. Alternatively, pouring a small amount of nearly boiling water on the seeds (being careful not to cook them!) and then soaking them for 12 - 24 hours in warm water will have somewhat the same effect as stomach acids. Follow this treatment with a cold stratification at 2 - 5°c for 2 months[
11- Title
- Trees and Shrubs Hardy in Great Britain. Vol 1 - 4 and Supplement.
- Publication
- Author
- Bean. W.
- Publisher
- Murray
- Year
- 1981
- -
- Description
- A classic with a wealth of information on the plants, but poor on pictures.
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
]. The seed will then usually germinate in 2 - 3 months at 15°c[
134- Title
- Growing from Seed. Volume 2.
- Publication
- Author
- Rice. G. (Editor)
- Publisher
- Thompson and Morgan.
- Year
- 1988
- -
- Description
- Very readable magazine with lots of information on propagation. An interesting article on Ensete ventricosum.
]. As soon as they are large enough to handle, prick the seedlings out into individual pots, being very careful no to damage the roots, and grow them on in light shade in a greenhouse or cold frame for at least their first winter, Plant out in late spring or early summer.
Cuttings of side shoots of the current season's growth, 5 - 8cm with a heel, late summer to early winter in a frame. The cuttings are very slow and can take a year to root[
1- Title
- RHS Dictionary of Plants plus Supplement. 1956
- Publication
- Author
- F. Chittendon.
- Publisher
- Oxford University Press
- Year
- 1951
- -
- Description
- Comprehensive listing of species and how to grow them. Somewhat outdated, it has been replaced in 1992 by a new dictionary (see [200]).
78- Title
- Propagation of Trees, Shrubs and Conifers.
- Publication
- Author
- Sheat. W. G.
- Publisher
- MacMillan and Co
- Year
- 1948
- -
- Description
- A bit dated but a good book on propagation techniques with specific details for a wide range of plants.
Division in early spring. Take care because the plant resents root disturbance. Pot the divisions up and keep them in a lightly shaded position in a cold frame or greenhouse until they are growing away actively.
Layering in spring[
200- Title
- The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992.
- Publication
- Author
- Huxley. A.
- Publisher
- MacMillan Press
- Year
- 1992
- 0-333-47494-5
- Description
- Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
If you have any useful information about this plant, please leave a comment. Comments have to be approved before they are shown here.