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Useful Temperate Plants

Vicia sativa Images

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Vicia sativa
Flowering plant, growing as a weed in Australia
Photograph by: Harry Rose
Creative Commons License

Vicia sativa
Flowers and developing seedpods
Photograph by: Harry Rose
Creative Commons License

Vicia sativa
Close-up of the flowers
Photograph by: Alvesgaspar
Creative Commons License

Vicia sativa
Ripe seedpod
Photograph by: Rasbak
Creative Commons License

Vicia sativa
Flowering stem
Photograph by: Harry Rose
Creative Commons License

Vicia sativa
Leaf with tendril
Photograph by: Harry Rose
Creative Commons License

Vicia sativa
Close-up of the seeds
Photograph by: Rasbak
Creative Commons License

Vicia sativa
lose-up of the seeds. The yellow seeds of subspecies sative are more commonly used as a human food
Photograph by: Tracey Slotta; USDA-NRCS Plants Database
Public domain